Manual Monstruoso de Capacitación en Línea
¡El Manual Monstruoso de Capacitación en Línea más completo, con más de 80 herramientas para hacer que tus talleres y...
¡El Manual Monstruoso de Capacitación en Línea más completo, con más de 80 herramientas para hacer que tus talleres y...
Without being face-to-face it can be hard to benefit from all the wisdom of a group. However, that doesn’t make it impossible. This tool is a way to efficiently get input from the group by getting everyone to open a shared online document and write ideas.
Conference calls should be interesting. Like any meeting, they become boring when they are always the same—and there’s nothing unusual or unexpected. So maybe you want to try spicing up your next conference call or video chat with games!
Online meetings can be a lot of fun! Here are a few ideas to make your meetings exciting, educational, and effective.
As more groups are working online, there’s interest in exploring more things we can do with online resources. One of the things that we can do is create google documents (or other shared documents) and have people on a conference call look at the same document. But what about all the ways we can have people write on the document together? Here are a few options that show us what is possible is limitless.
Note: These methods of creating small groups require those small groups to be able to have their own conference call...
Games over video chat or on a conference call? Yep! Conference calls should be interesting. Like any meeting, they become...